Elaborations for choir

Daniele Venturi

Cantando un mondo perduto….

160 Elaborations of popular songs and copyright
Publisher, M.A.P. – Musicians Associated Productions

Cantando un mondo perduto...

Compositions contained in the book
Elaborations of popular songs profane

1. “Al bal dla lavandéra”, for mixed choir of four voices,
2. “Bella ciao”, for mixed choir of four voices,
3. “Bell’uccelin del bosc”, for mixed choir of four voices,
4. “Campane a vespro”, for mixed choir of four voices,
5. “Cantamaggio di Ballone”, for mixed choir of four voices,
6. “Cara mama mi vôi Toni”, for mixed choir of four voices,
7. “Cara Rosina”, for mixed choir of four voices,
8. “Ce bielis maninis”, for mixed choir of four voices,
9. “Cecilia”, for mixed choir of four voices,
10. “Chi bussa alla mia porta”, for mixed choir of four voices,
11. “Cuor di tigre”, for mixed choir of four voices,
12. “Dodici dodici”, for mixed choir of four voices,
13. “Dormi mia bella dormi”, for mixed choir of four voices,
14. “È partita una nave da Genova”, for mixed choir of four voices,
15. “E nel mese di settembre”, for mixed choir of four voices,
16. “E qui comando io”, for mixed choir of four voices,
17. “Era sera”, for mixed choir of four voices,
18. “Eran tre falciatori”, for mixed choir of four voices,
19. “Esperanza”, for mixed choir of four voices,
20. “Fa la nana la me pupetta”, for mixed choir of four voices,
21. “Fa la nana la me pupetta”, for mixed choir of four voices,
22. “Fente le nane”, for mixed choir of four voices,
23. “Ferruccio traditore”, for mixed choir of four voices,
24. “Ferruccio tornò”, for mixed choir of four voices,
25. “Fischia il vento”, for mixed choir of four voices,
26. “Gli scariolanti”, for mixed choir of four voices,
27. “Hi ne ma tov”, for mixed choir of four voices,
28. “Il cavaliere e la fanciulla”, for mixed choir of four voices,
29. “Il cimitero di Santa Liberata”, for mixed choir of four voices,
30. “Il sole dietro ai monti”, for mixed choir of four voices,
31. “Il testamento del capitano”, for mixed choir of four voices,
32. “Il tuo fazzolettino”, for mixed choir of four voices,
33. “Il ventinove luglio”, for mixed choir of four voices,
34. “Io son contadinella”, for mixed choir of four voices,
35. “La bella la va l’fosso”, for mixed choir of four voices,
36. “La blonde”, for mixed choir of four voices,
37. “La mé murusa cara”, for mixed choir of four voices,
38. “La risaia”, for mixed choir of four voices,
39. “La Rosina bella l’andò al mercà”, for mixed choir of four voices,
40. “La strada del bosco”, for mixed choir of four voices,
41. “La Valsugana”, for mixed choir of four voices,
42. “La vien giù dalle montagne”, for mixed choir of four voices,
43. “La vilanela”, for mixed choir of four voices,
44. “La vivandiera”, for mixed choir of four voices,
45. “Le carrozze son già preparate”, for female choir of four voices,
46. “Le carrozze son già preparate”, for mixed choir of four voices,
47. “Le pene son cresciute”, for mixed choir of four voices,
48. “Les plaisirs sont doux”, per coro misto a tre voci,
49. “Les plaisirs sont doux”,  for mixed choir of four voices,
50. “L’ora che canta il gallo”,  for mixed choir of four voices,
51. “Lucciola”, for mixed choir of four voices,
52. “Madama Dorè”, for mixed choir of four voices,
53. “Mamma mia dammi cento scudi”, for mixed choir of four voices,
54. “Maremma”, for mixed choir of four voices,
55. “Mia cara Emma”, for mixed choir of four voices,
56. “Nella città di Genova”, for mixed choir of four voices,
57. “Ninna nanna russa”, for mixed choir of four voices,
58. “Ninna nanna russa”, for mixed choir of four voices,
59. “O cara mama”, for mixed choir of four voices,
60. “O Dio del cielo”, for mixed choir of four voices,
61. “O’ donna molinaia”, for mixed choir of four voices,
62. “O Angiolina”, for mixed choir of four voices,
63. “O cancellier”, for mixed choir of four voices,
64. “Oh che bel castello”, for mixed choir of four voices,
65. “Posakala mila mama”, for mixed choir of three voices,
66. “Posakala mila mama”, for mixed choir of four voices,
67. “Quante stelle”, for mixed choir of four voices,
68. “Questa mattina”, for mixed choir of four voices,
69. “Santa Lucia”, for mixed choir of four voices,
70. “Sciur padrùn”, for mixed choir of four voices,
71. “Spazzacamino”, for mixed choir of four voices,
72. “Shto mi e milo”, for mixed choir of four voices,
73. “Sul ponte di Bassano”, for triple mixed choir of twelve voices,
74. “Tanti auguri a te”, for mixed choir of four voices,
75. “Teresina”, for mixed choir of four voices,
76. “Ti ricordi la sera dei baci”, for mixed choir of four voices,
77. “Tre marinai”, for mixed choir of four voices,
78. “Va l’alpin”, for mixed choir of four voices,
79. “Veneranda”, for mixed choir of four voices,
80. “Vent fin”, for mixed choir of four voices,
81. “Vieni con me”, for mixed choir of four voices,
82. “Vuoi tu venire in Merica”, for mixed choir of four voices,

Elaborations of secular song author

83. “Il Vecchio e il Bambino”, for mixed choir of four voices,
84.  “La canzone dell’amore perduto”, for mixed choir of four voices,
85. “La pulce d’acqua”, for mixed choir of four voices,
86. “La pulce d’acqua”, for mixed choir of four voices,
87. “L’era Fasol!”, for mixed choir of four voices,
88. “Ninna nanna”, for mixed choir of four voices,
89. “Parlami d’amore Mariù”, for mixed choir of four voices,
90. “Parlami d’amore Mariù”, for mixed choir of six voices,
91. “Samarcanda”, for mixed choir of four voices,
92. “Santa Lucia” (Sul mare luccica), for mixed choir of four voices,
93. “Vecchio scarpone”, for mixed choir of four voices,
94. “Vecchio scarpone”, for mixed choir of four voices,
95. “Vitti ‘na crozza”, for mixed choir of four voices,
96. “Volta la carta”, for mixed choir of four voices,

Elaborations of popular sacred songs

97. “Ave Maria sarda”, for mixed choir of four voices,
98. “Ave Stella del mare” for mixed choir of four voices,
99. “Cristo risusciti”, for mixed choir of four voices,
100. “Dalla Croce”,for mixed choir of four voices,
101. “Magnificat”, for mixed choir of four voices,
102. “Kumbayà”, for mixed choir of five voices,
103. “Mira il tuo popolo”, for mixed choir of four voices,
104. “Noi canteremo gloria a Te”, for mixed choir of four voices,
105. “Odo suonar”, for mixed choir of four voices,
106. “Vieni vieni”, for mixed choir of four voices,

Elaborations of sacred chants and sacred compositions unpublished author

107. “Alleluia”, per coro misto a quattro voci,
108. “Dolce è sentire”, for mixed choir of four voices,
109. “E’ l’ora che pia”, for mixed choir of four voices,
110. “Il Signore é il mio pastore”, for mixed choir of four voices,
111. “Inno a S.Antonio”, for mixed choir of four voices,
112. “Nome dolcissimo”, for mixed choir of four voices,
113. “Quanto sei bella”, for mixed choir of four voices,
114. “Questo è il giorno del Signor”, for mixed choir of four voices,
115. “Resta con noi Signore la sera”, for mixed choir of four voices,

Elaborations of popular Christmas songs

116. “Bambino Divino”, for mixed choir of four voices,
117. “Ding dong!”, for mixed choir of four voices,
118. “Dormi dormi”, for mixed choir of four voices,
119. “Dormi non pianger”, for mixed choir of four voices,
120. “Dormi, dormi bel bambino”, for mixed choir of four voices,
121. “Entre le boeuf ”, for mixed choir of four voices,
122. “Gli angeli nelle campagne”, for mixed choir of four voices,
123. “Gli angeli in coro”, for mixed choir of four voices,
124. “Heri heri”, for mixed choir of four voices,
125. “In notte serena”, for mixed choir of four voices,
126. “Limpida Stella”, for mixed choir of four voices,
127. “Madonina bèla bèla”, per coro femminile a tre voci,
128. “Maria lavava”, for mixed choir of four voices,
129. “Nana”, for mixed choir of four voices,
130. “Nana”, for male choir of four voices,
131. “Nel cielo una stella”, for mixed choir of four voices,
132. “Nenia di Gesù Bambino”, for male choir of four voices,
133. “Nenia di Gesù Bambino”, for mixed choir of four voices,
134. “Notte di gelo”, for female choir for three voices,
135. “O felice o chiara notte”, for female choir for three voices,
136. “O felice o chiara notte”, for mixed choir of four voices,
137. “Oggi è nato”, for mixed choir of four voices,
138. “Oggi è nato”, for male choir of four voices,
139. “Puer Nobis”, for mixed choir of four voices,
140. “Puer Nobis”, for male choir of four voices,
141. “Siam venuti”, for mixed choir of four voices,
142. “Stella di Natale”, for mixed choir of four voices,
143. “Tu scendi dalle stelle”, for mixed choir of four voices,

Elaborations of Christmas songs of author
and unpublished compositions Christmas

144. “Astro del ciel”, for mixed choir of four voices,
145. “Astro del ciel”, for mixed choir of four voices,
146. “Bianco Natale”, for mixed choir of four voices,
147. “Correte brave genti”, for mixed choir of four voices,
148. “È già Natale”, for mixed choir of four voices,
149. “Fate allegria”, for mixed choir of four voices,
150. “I tre Re Magi”, for mixed choir of four voices,
151. “Nella notte fredda”, for mixed choir of four voices,
152. “Ninna nanna di Brahms”, for female choir for two voices,
153. “Ninna nanna di Brahms”, for female choir for three voices,
154. “Ninna nanna di Brahms”, for mixed choir of four voices,
155. “Ninna nanna di Natale”, for mixed choir of four voices,
156. “Notte Santa”, for mixed choir of four voices,
157. “Piccola ninna nanna”, for mixed choir of four voices,
158. “Piccola pastorale”, for mixed choir of four voices,
159. “White Christmas”, for mixed choir of four voices,
160. “White Christmas”, per male choir of four voices.

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I find that the volume is a remarkable work of great interest and usefulness.
In addition to the pedagogical, social, therapeutic and yet (for multiple implications neurobiochimiche experience inherent vowel),
keep alive the song means to keep ourselves alive.
Paolo Cattaneo,
Director of the Helvetic Music Institute of Bellinzona


Daniele Venturi


24 choral elaborations of folk songs
Isuku Verlag München

from the repertoire of the “Gaudium” choir
104 pages – hardcover

Cod. Article NMC1-0018
ISBN: 978-3-944605-17-3

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1. “Monte Canino”, for mixed choir,
2. “E c’erano tre alpin”, for male choir of three voices,
3. “E c’erano tre alpin”, for male choir of four voices,
4. “E c’erano tre alpin”, for mixed choir of four voices,
5. “Dove sei stato mio bell’alpino”, for male choir,
6. “Dove sei stato mio bell’alpino”, for mixed choi,
7. “El barcaròl de Brenta”, for mixed choir,
8. “La mia bela la mi aspeta”, for mixed choir,
9. “Come porti i capelli bella bionda”, for mixed choir,
10. “Come porti i capelli bella bionda”, for male choir,
11. “Sul ponte di Perati”, for mixed choir,
12. “Sul ponte di Perati”, for male choir,
13. “Era una notte che pioveva”, for mixed choir,
14. “Addio mia bella addio”, for male choir,
15. “Lassù sulle colline di Bologna”, for mixed choir,
16. “Lassù sulle colline di Bologna”, for male choir,
17. “Alla mattina”, for mixed choir,
18. “Maccaferri Enrico partiva”, for mixed choir,
19. “Maccaferri Enrico partiva”, for male choir,
20. “A Cesare le venne un’ambizione”, for mixed choir,
21. “Bambino divino fra l’ombra apparì”, for mixed choir,
22. “Non potho reposare”, for mixed choir,
23. “Ninna nanna romagnola”, for mixed choir,
24. “Ninna nanna romagnola”, for male choir.


edited by Giacomo Monica and Daniele Venturi

Compositions by Daniele Venturi in the book
36 choral elaborations of folk songs
Various Authors
207 pages – hardcover
Feniarco Musical Editions

“L’inglesa”, for mixed choir, p.101
“È stato il vento”, for mixed choir, p.153
“Venendo giù dai monti”, for mixed choir, p.157
“La stèla buvarèna”, for men’s choir. pag.189

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